What NOT To Do At A Fashion Internship

This article originally appeared on Prestige Queen 

The best way to find out what you love is through an internship. I’ve always thought of internships as sort of a free trail to a career you think you might want to pursue. Now, I’m sure you’ve heard a thousand times tips and tricks to getting an internship and stuff of that nature, but this is different. No, really. I’m going to be explaining what NOT to do at an internship.

I’ve had internships at some of the top fashion companies in the world, and you’d be surprised at the things I’ve seen interns do.

1. Do not use your phone.
This sounds pretty obvious, but you wouldn’t believe the audacity some interns have to sit at their desk, and take personal phone calls. I've even seen an intern apply for jobs on Linkedin-I can't make this stuff up. This also goes for texting. If it’s that important, step over to a private area, so it doesn’t look like you’re BS-ing.

2. Be nice to everyone.

Most industries, especially the fashion industry, where I work – word will get out if you’re known to have a little attitude with someone. On that note, I know it might be hard in this day and age but do not gossip- I know the temptation is there but you never know who you may be talking to and how that person in turn will perceive you for gossiping on the clock.

3. Stay off social media.
This goes without saying, but I sat next to an intern who would be on his personal Facebook and LinkedIn, not even trying to hide the fact that he was applying for other jobs on company time.

4. Don’t try to get other people to do your work.
We all need a helping hand once in a while, but don’t try to take advantage of other interns, and have them do your assignments while you sit back on your phone.

5. Don’t sit there idly.
Whether you’re at a small start-up or a big corporate company, there is always something to do. Always ask around if anyone in the office needs help. If not, work on a work-related project of your own, which shows your boss that you have initiative, and they don’t have to micro-manage you.

6. Don’t take excessive time off.
I noticed that one of the interns at my most recent internship hadn’t been around for a while and later found out she had taken 2 weeks off; I was like whoa, I didn’t even know we had that option! You want to be known as the dependable person that’s always around when needed. Who knows what opportunities are waiting for you?

Have you had any crazy internship experiences or stories to share? I’d love to hear them below!