Is It Better to Intern for a Big or Small Company?

Written By: Ashley L.

Are bigger companies always better than smaller companies? I like to think of this as the “David(s) and Goliath(s)” of the working world. You have David who is small, appearing to be the underdog compared to Goliath who is big and intimidating. Both types of companies seem to compare with each other in the same way. There is no right answer for which is best to work for. The decision lies in your hands depending on what you would like to get out of an internship. As you may already have guessed, there is more to these two beyond just appearances and I’m here to highlight the pros and cons of both! 


Joining the Big Boy League (Big Company)


Big Name On Your Resume. Name recognition can be important and future employers will already be able see what you’re all about even before getting to speak with you.

Cool Office Facilities. A cafe AND gym at work? Who wouldn't love that? Big companies usually have a larger budget that allows them to provide these amenities for their employees.

Growth Opportunities. If you eventually receive a job offer there's usually a structured ladder within larger companies that can help you rise to the top! You may be starting as an assistant but give it some time and you'll be on your way to be a senior manager.

Specialize in Your Department. You will be solely focused on working within your department to do your part in helping the company rise. There is less possibility of you having to do other duties outside your role, so you have time to be good at what you do.


Too Many Steps in Decision-Making Process. It can sometimes be difficult to see if your work is really making an impact because of the large amount of people you will be working with. With more structure also comes more regulations and a slower process.

Lost in the Crowd. With the large amount of people working on each task, each person is trying to do a great job to impress the boss. It makes it harder to stand out from other interns to show how much of an impact you've made and to be heard.

Joining the Underdogs (Small Company)


Get To Wear Multiple Hats. You have the chance to be a more well-rounded professional. You could be launching a marketing campaign one day and doing trend research the next. You get more exposure, which allows you to say you have experience in a range of jobs. 

Family-Like Relationship. Chances are, you're going to work with the top executives at the company (including the CEO). This allows for you to build your professional network and for them to get to truly know you more. Who can say they're friends with the CEO?

More Opportunity for Impact. Less structure and less people. This means you're going to be able to have full responsibility of a lot projects and explain how much of a difference you made within the company (Tip: Brag about this on your resume or during interviews!).

Flexibility. What's a 9-5 job to you? There is less of a set schedule for smaller companies. You could be going to the office one day and working from home the next! This is perfect if you're dealing with a busy schedule.


Doing Too Much Outside of Your Job. As there are less people available to get everything done, you may be asked to take on projects that you didn't necessarily sign up for in addition to duties you are already responsible for.

Less Promotion Access. If you're looking to be hired after your internship it could be difficult given the limited amount of room for growth. Everyone could be a single person working their own department. You may be waiting for someone to leave the company.


What type of company do you see yourself at?

xx Ashley