Never Stress About Writing A Cover Letter Again

Need help writing your cover letter? Or writing a great resume even though you don't have much experience? Look no further!

I'm here to help you craft these job/internship hunting essentials. Before you even get the interview with your favorite stylist, you have to grab their attention in their inbox. That's where our newest resource comes in.

Introducing The Ultimate Stylist Job Interview Guide, with everything you need to make the application process a breeze.

You need to focus on getting the job, not stressing over what goes into that second paragraph in the cover letter, because we literally wrote it all out for you. 


This new eBook includes the following:

Step-By-Step Cover Letter Writing Guide- It can’t get any easier than this, all you have to do is plug in your info!

Fill-In-The-Blank Cover Letter Template- Guys...this is the cover letter I used to get jobs at BCBG, REVOLVE, JustFab, Hautelook and more! Fill-in-the-blank. Need I say more?

Resume Do’s and Don’ts Checklist-When you think you're all done, use this checklist to make sure you didn't commit any resume sins that will land your application in the trash.

Questions To Ask At The End Of Your Interview-Any good interviewer will ask you questions at the end of your interview. The last thing you want is to get stumped when you've made it that far.

Accomplishments Worksheet- You're supposed to list out special skills and accomplishments and we often forget how GREAT we are. This 2-page questionnaire will help you lay all of your accomplishments out.

Job Application Checklist- Use this to keep track of everywhere you applied. It can get confusing to send out 10 apps and keep up with which one you sent your cover letter to or which ones you have/haven’t followed up on. 

Linkedin Checklist-Do you know all the components to a winning Linkedin profile? This is especially important if you want to work as a stylist in the corporate capacity.  

So what are you still waiting on? Grab yours before it's gone.

The summertime is the perfect time for a new internship, so if you’re serious about your career then you’ll take action. If you’re not then you’re probably going to be in the same place next year as you are now. We at Fashion Mentor fully believe in you so put up that effort to take your styling career as the next level!