How To Make The Most Of Your Internship

Interning is basically inevitable, especially in the competitive world of fashion. Companies and brands go through round of screening resumes, cover letters, and interviews, to invite fresh faces onto an amusement park ride of newfound knowledge and experiences.

There’s no cheerful cartoon mouse greeting you at the gates, but a successful internship can potentially make your dreams come true. Getting the internship is only half the battle, once you embark on this journey into intern-land there are a few things to keep in mind in order to get the most out of your time shared.



Forget everything you’ve seen on tv about fashion internships, Shocker, but Hollywood has a way of tilting reality a little. Doing a good bit of online sleuthing before you take the plunge into a new internship is the best way to prepare for the experience ahead. It is important to get a feel for the company prior, so you can walk through the doors on the first day with a glowing sense of familiarity. Having a solid grasp of brand voice, signature themes, history, and any other highlight-worthy information make it that much easier to navigate the office culture and better serve the company in a way that brings true value. This is the one time something great can come from lurking on socials, so use them to your advantage when doing you research. (Instagram, LinkedIn, and the company website are great places to start)

Tip: Goal set. Establishing a set of clear goals beforehand will put you in the right mindset thorough the duration of your internship. Don’t hesitate to share your goals with your boss, so you both can be on the same page.


Would you rather: ask your boss for clarification or mix up instructions and get something wrong? In a skill building situation like an internship, asking relevant questions will help ensure success in your position. Many will appreciate the extra effort to accurately execute tasks. You are there to learn after all, so don’t be afraid to ask the burning questions either; you will benefit from hearing industry advice from professionals. This learning experience is a way to apply your abilities, and asking the right questions can you from subpar to superb.


Tip: Make it a point to ask at least one quality question each time you work. Being inquisitive shows your sense of passion.


Landing a good fashion internship can be as competitive as entering the Hunger Games, so in the instance that you find yourself in an office taking coffee orders or lugging garment bags back and forth, show gratitude with your attitude. It’s perfectly fine to fake it ‘til you make it, especially when given a complex task, as long as you execute with a smile. Keeping a positive attitude no matter what, is an outstanding quality and a great way to be remembered.


Tip: Keep thank you cards on hand. Handwriting a small token of appreciation goes a long way.


The devil really is in the details, when it comes to taking initiative. One of the best qualities an intern can have is to be a self-starter. Now this doesn’t mean go try to reinvent the wheel, it’s simply performing tasks that will need to be done eventually, before someone asks it of you. This can be anything from tidying up set, to sorting and organizing returns. Take action, do not stand around and wait to be told or scroll through Instagram when there is time to spare, the ultimate intern is always moving and thinking ahead.

Tip: Communication is, and always will be key. It may be a bit daunting at first, but get into the habit of frequent chats with your boss (when time allows). Vocalizing what you may be struggling with or just checking in to ensure productivity.

No pressure, but work like your styling career depends on it.


Treat each opportunity like it may be your big break. This is the time to challenge yourself and go ‘beast-mode’; put in the effort and work ethic of a fashion styling Olympian. There may be an entire team of interns, but act as if you are your own competition, try to outdo yourself and go the extra mile. Build a reputation that paints you to be a rock star worker, who adds as much value as they receive. Working hard pays off in the long run. Those familiar with your sense of drive can write recommendations and vouch for you when your interning season comes to an end.

Tip: Always ask what you can improve on. Don’t strive to just be good when you can be great.