4 Apps Every Freelance Stylist Needs

We all are precious about our phones, whether that is the fashionable phone case we have to protect it from the back-pocket fall, the thousand screenshots we have stored in our camera roll or place our social identity. In this day and age our phone can make us money, make us famous, give us a job and give us an identity (*ahem Kim Kardashian*) It is the device that shows the world who we are and what we are about.

As a stylist or someone who wants to get into styling you are an entrepreneur, running your own business so your should be using that storage wisely and to your advantage.

Here are 5 apps that will change your life, whether that’s building you a network, bringing in more work or simply helping relieve some stress of everyday life.

Ready for your world to be totally rocked? Ok good.


Need to promote yourself and make new connections? Welcome to Behance. This app and creative network allows you to upload projects, make connections and get hired! A creative space on the web and in your phones that is filled with ultimate bosses looking to collaborate and showcase what they’ve got.


Download it here

To Do Ist

Organisation sucks, even the word is uninviting and not sexy, however it’s crucial to getting your act together and running a successful business. Whether that is a business of 1,3 or 5+ everyone needs to have tasks, priorities and a space to dump their thoughts. ToDoIst is the perfect app to organise your life! Have your shit together, now that is sexy.


Download it here

Bumble Bizz

Now, I know what you’re thinking… Hannah, I don't need a date (lucky you). Bumble Bizz is under the same umbrella as Bumble, however it is the business side. You’re able to match with people in your area in seconds! Whether you want to match with other stylists, students, accountants, lawyers, people who will help you grow or simply someone to ask questions to. It’s a great resource to everyone in various industries. Everyone on there means business!


Download it here


Who else finds money, accounting and expenses boring as hell? If you don’t… wanna do mine? Anyway, Moven is an app where you can track your spending in real-time. It allows you to categorise your spending, set budgets and record your outgoings easily, which is perfect for any freelancer! The simple design will help you know where you stand when it comes to your money! 

download (2).png

Download it here

Some of these might not be for you, but it’s important to know that apps on your phone don’t need to just make you feel loved and look pretty, they can also help with all aspects of your life and take some of the taxing tasks out of your day. So, give them a try, let me know what you think and thank me later.

You’re welcome.

Written by: Hannah Rafter

Hannah is the founder of The Intern 24/7. The Intern 24/7 is a personal blog turned website that shares insights from young individuals navigating the realities of being a young adult in the interning/working world.